How to Maintain Sanity in a House Full of Boys – With Kathleen Henderson
Laurie Christine
Laurie Christine
May 7, 2021

In today’s episode, my special guest and I talk about ways to maintain sanity in your home with a household of boys, and also what it looks like to raise “real men.” 

Welcome to Episode 23 of Redeeming the Chaos with Laurie Christine.


how to maintain sanity in a house full of boys

We have a very special guest on our show today.  Kathleen Henderson is a lifelong friend of mine. We first became friends way back in Junior High youth group and we have built many fun memories together over the years.  Scroll to the end for a fun pic of us in high school! 🙂

Kathleen Henderson is the natural living mentor behind the Roots & Boots blog and youtube channel, and the creator of Unprocessed Pantry and the Real Food Family Meal Plan.  She’s on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home.  Kathleen lives with her husband and three boys on a family farm in northern Virginia.  As a homeschooling boy-mom, Kathleen is passionate about raising capable kids who grow up to be real men!  

I’m excited to welcome Kathleen Henderson to the show today.

Kathleen Henderson, Roots and Boots


  • Remind yourself that God created boys to be active and loud.
  • Take time to refuel yourself and spend some time away from the kids.
  • Do your best to lower the chaos without crushing their spirits.
  • Celebrate your role as a mother in bringing order, beauty and structure to your home.
  • Get the boys outside every day. Nature has a huge calming effect on wild, rambunctious boys. 


  • A real man has integrity. He does the right thing. He has self control and is able to master his emotions.
  • A real man has unwavering faith.
  • A real man always does his best and has a strong work ethic.
  • A real man treats others with respect and dignity.

Kathleen and I barely scratched the surface on this topic today.  Join us again next time for another interview with Kathleen where we will dive deeper into what it looks like to raise real men.



If you’re interested in healthy living, natural remedies, homesteading and clean eating, Kathleen’s website is a one-stop shop that you definitely need to check out. 

You can find Kathleen at and also on instagram @RootsandBootsHome.

While the focus of Kathleen’s blog is not parenting, she has written some posts recently on the topics of parenting and homeschooling.  While these posts are focused on homeschooling, they can also apply to any parent who wants to be intentional about raising great kids.


Lord, when the chaos of raising boys feels overwhelming, help me to look to you for strength and wisdom.  When I feel like I’m struggling to maintain sanity, help to remember that you have created my boys to reflect your character. I want to raise boys who do the right thing, who stand firm in their faith, who always do their best, and who treat others with dignity and respect. Please give me wisdom to guide my boys to your Word. I pray that your Spirit would work in their hearts and change them to be more like you.   Amen.

Real quick, before you go… Do you know any other moms who are feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of raising courageous boys?  Would you share a link to this podcast episode with them?  

If you found value in today’s episode, I would love for you to leave a review for the show in itunes.   

Also, I would love to invite you to join me in our Facebook group.  It’s called “Raising Courageous Boys,” and it’s a place for Christian boy moms to connect and encourage each other on this wild, wonderful, chaotic adventure of raising boys.  I have a link to the group in the show notes, or you can go to

Thank you so much for joining me for Episode 23 of Redeeming the Chaos with Laurie Christine. For free devotional resources and ebooks that will help you raise courageous boys, check out MY RESOURCE & BOOKS PAGE.

AND JUST FOR FUN… Here is a picture of Kathleen and I in high school…


A New Devotional for Preteen Boys


Rise of the Enemy

Book One of the Dragon Slayer Bible Stories

Rise of the Enemy, a Dragon Slayer Bible Story, will inspire boys to join the armies of the Dragon Slayer in the epic battle of good vs evil.  Through action-packed stories, inspiring scripture, and challenging devotional readings, boys will be trained to stand firm against the invisible enemy, and to use weapons of warfare to deflect the lies of the Evil One.

“Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”