The Fruit of the Spirit: What we’ve been getting wrong
Laurie Christine
Laurie Christine
July 11, 2024

The Bible has a lot to say about growing things. From cultivating the soil, to planting seeds, to watering the plants, to producing fruit. 

One of the most well-known passages on fruit is found in Galatians 5. 

I imagine you may have memorized this verse when you were little, and you’ve maybe even learned songs about the fruit of the spirit. I know for me, I always have to sing the song in my head to make sure I remember all of them.

In case you need a reminder, the fruit of the spirit is NOT a coconut. If you want to be a coconut, you might as well hear it, you can’t be a fruit of the Spirit. The fruit is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. Listen to the song here.

So, why are these particular character qualities important, and how do we teach them to our children? And what have we been doing wrong?

We have a guest on the show today who is also a mom of boys, and she is here to talk to us about the Fruit of the Spirit.

Christie Thomas is a mom and author with over a decade of experience as a children’s ministries director. She deeply believes that every Christian parent can confidently nurture deep faith in her kids through tiny habits that add up over time. Her devotionals and children’s books help parents cultivate faith-filled moments with their kids. She lives with her husband and three boys in Alberta, Canada.


In this episode of Redeeming the Chaos, the Laurie Christine discusses the concept of the fruit of the Spirit. Guest Christy Thomas, a mom of three boys and an author with extensive experience in Children’s Ministries, shares her insights on nurturing deep faith in children through small habits. Laurie and Christy discuss common misconceptions about the fruit of the Spirit, the role of the Holy Spirit in fostering these qualities, and practical ways parents can instill these values in their kids. Christy also introduces her books Fruit Full, a family devotional on the fruit of the Spirit, and Little Habits Big Faith, which focuses on forming small, impactful habits to nurture faith in children.


  • Christy’s Family and Homeschooling Journey
  • Understanding the Fruit of the Spirit
  • Misunderstandings About the Fruit of the Spirit
  • Therapeutic Moral Deism Explained
  • Teaching the Fruit of the Spirit with Grace
  • Practical Tips for Family Discipleship


The Three Ms: Metaphors, Memorizing, and Morals

  • Metaphors: How children struggle with understanding metaphors and similes
    • Example: Comparing peace to a peach and joy to a banana
  • Memorizing: The importance and limitations of scripture memorization
  • Morals: Turning the fruit of the spirit into a moral checklist and the pitfalls of legalism

Therapeutic Moral Deism

  • Explanation of Therapeutic Moral Deism
  • Discussion on how this belief system diverges from true Christian teachings
  • The impact of Therapeutic Moral Deism on children’s understanding of faith

Teaching the Fruit of the Spirit with Grace

  • How to approach teaching the fruit of the spirit from a grace-infused perspective
  • Practical examples and advice for parents
  • Importance of focusing on the Holy Spirit’s role in character development

Fruit Full: Book Discussion

  • Overview of Fruit Full
  • Example devotion: Teaching peace through Jesus’ actions
  • How to use the book for family devotions

Little Habits, Big Faith: Book Discussion

  • Introduction to the upcoming book
  • The concept of starting small with habit formation
  • Practical examples of small habits that can lead to big faith
  • Personal stories


Book: Fruit Full

Book: Little Habits, Big Faith

Book: The Mother-Son Prayer Journal

Free Download from Christy: Start Little

Video training from Christy: Establish Daily Bible & Prayer Habits

Hope Grown Faith Community with Christy Thomas

Free download from Laurie: Bored with the Bible, How to Engage Your Kids in Family Devotions

Free download from Laurie: The 5 Year Bible Plan, A Chronological Bible Reading Plan for Teens

Join the Family Fruit Challenge: A 10 Day Character Challenge for Kids


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Rise of the Enemy, A Dragon Slayer Bible Story

A Devotional for Preteen Boys


Rise of the Enemy

Book Zero of the Dragon Slayer Bible Stories

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