The Adventurer

the adventurer

Hey there, Momma!

It sounds like your son might be an ADVENTURER.

The Adventurer is the ultimate risk-taker. He’s always seeking the next big adventure in life. He loves being outdoors in nature – nothing would be more exciting than being stranded on a deserted island with nothing but a pocket knife. He’s curious and creative, yet gets bored easily with mundane tasks. He’s the one who tries to parachute out of the second story window with one of his bed sheets, or decides it’s a great idea to mix toilet bowl cleaner and tinfoil together, just to see what happens.  

The Adventurer’s Strength

He’s fearless. He’s not afraid to take risks and try new things.

The Adventurer’s Weakness

He has a hard time being present in the moment. He needs to exercise more caution and anticipate the consequences of his actions.

How to Connect with the Adventurer

Go on a hike together. Do something adventurous with him that you might not be entirely comfortable with. Let him fail. Let him experience the natural consequences of his actions. 

Not Your Son?

Does your son not match the profile of the Adventurer? Scroll down to learn about the other personality possibilities!  This quiz is not meant to put your son in a box. Rather it’s a fun tool to help you get to know your son and connect with him on a deeper level. You may find that your son is a combination of several different personality options.

How to Build a Deeper Relationship with Your Son

When you connect on an emotional level about something your son is passionate about, it will open the door for you to reach his heart on a deeper level in other areas as well. Building a deeper relationship with your son is the first step in connecting with him on a heart level. 

Over the next few days and weeks I will be sending you 7 heart-based tools that will help you connect with your child’s heart. These tools are: Relationship, Firmness, Visioning, Transferring Responsibility, Teaching, Spiritual Training, and Coaching. 

This series of emails will help you learn what a heart-based approach to parenting looks like and how you can connect with your son at a deeper level.

Go check your email to learn more about the first parenting tool, “Relationship.” 

Be sure to Right Click on the Email and select “Move to Inbox.” Then when it asks if you want all future emails to go to your inbox, select “yes.”  That way you won’t miss out on any of the 7 heart-based parenting tools coming your way! 

Maybe this is your son…

Did you feel like the above description didn’t quite fit your son? Check out the other personality types below! 

biblical parenting coach

Laurie Christine is a Certified Biblical Parenting Coach, trained by the National Center for Biblical Parenting (NCBP). All information covered in this series of emails is courtesy of the NCBP. For more information, check out the resources on their website,

Laurie Christine


Laurie Christine is a certified Biblical Parenting Coach, author, podcast host, wife, and mom of four wild, loud, adventurous boys.

Her podcast, Redeeming the Chaos, invites moms of boys to join her in the wild, wonderful adventure of raising courageous boys and connecting them with Christ.  

In addition to hosting a podcast, Laurie writes devotional Bible stories for families. As a mom of four young boys, she understands how important it is for parents to connect with their children, while communicating the truth of God’s Word to them in a way they can understand.


Check out these resources from the National Center for Biblical Parenting

Parenting is Heart Work

(Affiliate Link)

In this book you will learn:

* How to connect to your child’s heart to bring about change.
* Ways to correct that are more powerful and last longer.
* To help your child reign in emotions.
* How to use common, everyday activity to build life-skills. 
* Biblical, practical tools that work.

PHW Training Manual

(Affiliate Link)

In this book, you will learn:

* How to develop strategic, biblical, practical routines of family life.

* How to give day-to-day instructions in a way that builds cooperation and responsibility.

* Practical ideas for connecting with your kids emotionally so that their hearts will be soft and teachable. 

* How to integrate key success principles into your family.

Motivate Your Child

(Affiliate Link)

In this book you will learn:

* How to parent in ways that build internal motivation so that kids don’t have to rely on you to get things done.

* The four promptings of the conscience and how to coordinate your parenting to takeadvantage of them.

* Ways to energize your spiritual training with fun and creativity.

* How to help children respond to mistakes instead of blaming, defending, or justifying.

MYC Action Plan

(Affliate Link)

In this book, you will learn:

* A step-by-step guide to identify a specific problem and then define a character-based solution.

* How to craft a parenting plan tailored to your child’s unique gifts and needs.

When parents have defined plans, they move forward with more confidence, see changes more quickly, and experience hope as they grow in their relationship with their child.


Are you interested in working with Laurie Christine in our eight week, one-on-one parent coaching program?

Download Rise of the Enemy for Free

Adventure-Packed Biblical Fiction and Devotions for Kids 8-12.

Readers will learn to stand firm against the lies of the evil dragon. 


Check your email for your book!