How Dragons Can Help You Teach Your Kids About Easter
Laurie Christine
Laurie Christine
March 15, 2024

How can dragons help you teach your kids about Easter? Keep reading to find out!

dragons can help teach your kids about easter

Do your boys love dragons? 

I have a fun new Easter tradition for you. Instead of a chocolate Easter bunny, I think we should start putting chocolate dragons in our kids’ Easter baskets. And then, give your kids a mallet and tell them to smash the dragon to pieces! 

In the last episode of Redeeming the Chaos, we talked about how cherubim can help us teach our kids about Easter. Today, we’re going to talk about how DRAGONS can help your boys gain a deeper understanding of Easter. 

Dragons in the Bible

Did you know there are dragons all throughout the Bible?  You may have read about the dragon in the book of Revelation, but did you know there’s a dragon in the very first chapter of the Bible? I’m not kidding!  Your boys will love hearing about this. Listen to today’s interview to learn about the dragons in Genesis 1!

Why Do We Love Dragon Stories?

how dragons can help you teach your kids about easter.

Have you ever wondered why we love dragon-slaying stories? Stories of courageous warriors slaying dragons are some of the oldest stories known to man. But why do they resonate with our hearts? Why do our boys turn every stick into a sword or gun to “fight the monsters and slay the dragons?”  

Dragon-Slaying stories are at the heart of the gospel. We are drawn to epic tales of knights and dragons because they echo the ultimate dragon-slaying epic of all time.

Jesus is the Dragon Slayer! 

There’s something deep in the heart of each of us, especially boys, that wants to slay the dragon.

Fantastical Truth

How dragons can help you teach your kids about easter.

I was recently interviewed on the Fantastical Truth podcast. We talked about dragon-slaying stories in modern literature, dragons in ancient literature, and dragons in the Bible! 

This episode of Redeeming the Chaos is a cross-cast of that episode. 

But before we dive into the interview, I want to tell you more about Fantastical Truth. Fantastical Truth podcast is a production of Their tag line is: exploring fantastical truths for God’s glory.

If your boys love to read fantasy or sci-fi stories, and if you are looking for clean books from a christian worldview, you need to check out Lorehaven has curated a collection of hundreds of christian-made fantastical stories, both for adults, young adults, and middle-grade readers. Their podcast explores many topics related to fantastical truth in literature.


Garden of Mysteries

Garden of Mysteries

I need to make a concession. After the interview was published, I decided to change the title for book two in the Dragon Slayer Bible Series! This book has gone through multiple title revisions, so I’m really hoping this last one will stick. In the interview, you heard me talk about Garden of Secrets. Well, Garden of Secrets is now Garden of Mysteries!  

Zack mentioned some of the Amazon review for book 1 in the Dragon Slayer Bible series, Rise of the Enemy. (affiliate link)

Here’s one of the reviews:

“It is impossible to state what a win this book is. My nine-year-old son is not an avid reader. He always has a baseball in his hand, rarely a book. But he couldn’t put this book down. He absolutely loved it and is begging for the next book.”

Amazon Reviewer

Well, friends, I am happy to tell you that book two, Garden of Mysteries, will be available to order through my Kickstarter campaign, but only for a few short weeks: April 3-April 19th, 2024.


Learn more about the Dragon Slayer Bible series at


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A New Devotional for Preteen Boys


Rise of the Enemy

Book One of the Dragon Slayer Bible Stories

Rise of the Enemy, a Dragon Slayer Bible Story, will inspire boys to join the armies of the Dragon Slayer in the epic battle of good vs evil.  Through action-packed stories, inspiring scripture, and challenging devotional readings, boys will be trained to stand firm against the invisible enemy, and to use weapons of warfare to deflect the lies of the Evil One.

“Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”