Sweet Bay Media

Web Design and Publishing Services for Authors.

Click the images below to learn more about each of our services.

About Sweet Bay Media

Laurie Christine Author

Meet the Owner: Laurie Christine

Laurie Christine is a web designer, graphic designer, and photographer. 

She is also an author, podcast host, wife, and mom of four wild, loud, adventurous boys. 

Laurie serves as the Customer Service Director for the Christian Writers Institute, and the Producer for the Christian Publishing Show Podcast and Novel Marketing Podcast (both productions of Author Media).

Laurie has worked closely with marketing guru Thomas Umstattd Jr. of Author Media since 2020, learning best practices for web design and book marketing. 

Laurie’s podcast, Redeeming the Chaos, invites moms of boys to join her on the wild, wonderful adventure of raising courageous boys and connecting them with Christ.  

In addition to hosting a podcast, Laurie writes devotions and Bible stories for families. Her passion is to raise strong, courageous warriors for the Kingdom of God, and to help do the same. 

With degrees in Creative Writing, Biblical Studies and Education, Laurie has more than fifteen years of experience in teaching the Bible to young children as well as writing Sunday School curriculum for her local church. 


Web Design for Authors

web design for authors



  • I will design and build a WordPress site with a Divi theme.
  • I can help you with SEO.
  • I can help you set up your blog.
  • I can teach you how to update your web pages, add photos, new content, etc.
  • I can create a simple logo for your site, if needed.


  • Custom coding or CSS
  • Troubleshoot hosting or site errors
  • Ongoing site maintenance


  • I can help you set up your email provider
  • I can integrate your email provider with a reader-magnet opt-in (additional hourly rate).
  • I can create a cover for your reader magnet (additional hourly rate).
  • I can format your reader magnet ebook (additional hourly rate)


    “I strongly recommend Laurie Christine as your web designer. I am a total novice when it comes to platform building. And when I learned I needed a website before pursuing an agent for my novel, I didn’t know where to turn.

    Then I found Laurie Christine. Laurie has been a God send to me. Not only did Laurie design a functional site, but she is also an author. She understands what a good author website needs to have. I now have a beautiful website, a blog page, information page about my upcoming novel, a way to connect with my readers and a short story they can download for free, plus so much more.

    Once the site was finished, Laurie took the time to walk me through the steps on how I can manage the site myself. From the very beginning Laurie listened to what I wanted and then created it. She was patient and knowledgeable and made a daunting task much easier.

    Thank you, Laurie, for an incredible website and for helping my dreams come true!”

    ~ Angela Miller Curtis 


    “Thank you for getting my WordPress website converted to the Divi Theme. It is so much more functional now in directing visitors to take steps to connect with me and my writing. Thanks for a great job preserving the visual elements I loved from my old site.

    I recommend Laurie to anyone who needs technical help with getting an online presence. She was knowledgeable and easy to work with. I met her through Author Media which helped me understand branding and other start up concepts which Laurie put into my new website.”

    ~ Caroline Powers





    Description: I will build your website in Divi from scratch. This package includes a 5 page website with a custom design.

    Pages: Home, About, Blog, Products, Contact

    Also Includes:

    • Divi software ($250 if purchased separately from Elegant Themes)
    • 3 revisions per page
    • Stock photos
    • Custom layout, colors and fonts
    • Pre- and Post- Zoom calls (30 minutes each)
    • Simple name logo

    Ideal for: Someone who does not yet have a website or who has not done any work on their site yet. You are willing to learn how to update your blog and make small changes to your sight down the road.


    Description: You already have an existing WordPress site with a Divi theme. You’ve started to work on the site yourself, but now you’re stuck. You give me a list of tasks that you need to have done on your website (create this page, update this photo, add this heading, etc.) and I work on them independently. I can teach you how to make further adjustments on your own down the road. (Creating blog posts, etc).

    Ideal for: Someone who already has an existing WP / Divi site. You have some technical skills but you don’t have the time to invest into learning how to build your website. You are willing to learn how to update your site in the future.


    Description: I will re-build your website in Divi. This package does not include updates to color schemes, photos, or other branding. I will simply transfer your current site content into a Divi format. (Does not include hosting transfer).

    Includes a 30 minute Zoom call tutorial where I will show you how to make updates to your site in the future.

    INCLUDES DIVI SOFTWARE ($250 if purchased separately from Elegant Themes).

    Ideal for: Someone who has an existing WordPress site, but wants to add the Divi theme to their site.

    Book Formatting

    book formatting for authors



    I can format your novel or chapter book into an ebook or print format. You will receive epub and pdf files for your book that you can then submit to a printer or online sales platform.  (I do NOT format picture books).

    Book Cover: 

    I can design a book cover for your FRONT cover only. This would be ideal for reader magnets or ebooks, but NOT print books. I can also create 3D mockups of your cover for digital marketing.


    I use Vellum and Atticus to format book interiors.

    I use Photoshop, Canva, stock photos and AI art generators to design book covers.


    My hourly rate for book formatting and cover design is $50 / hour.

    Book Publishing Services

    virtual assistance for authors

    Not sure where to start? I can help! 

    I provide the following publishing services for authors:

    • Web design
    • Book formatting
    • Graphics for publicity / ad campaigns
    • Setting up email service provider
    • Creating a reader magnet
    • Simple book cover design
    • Linking reader magnet opt-in / email service to website
    • Setting up a Kickstarter campaign
    • Uploading book to Amazon KDP
    • Starting a podcast

    RATE: $50 / hour

    Affiliate Links

    Contact Laurie 

    Fill out the form below to contact Laurie about her services for authors. 

    14 + 2 =

    Download Rise of the Enemy for Free

    Adventure-Packed Biblical Fiction and Devotions for Kids 8-12.

    Readers will learn to stand firm against the lies of the evil dragon. 


    Check your email for your book!