How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography
Laurie Christine
Laurie Christine
July 26, 2024

Pornography. It’s not a fun topic to discuss, but it’s a very important conversation to have with our boys. (And not just an isolated discussion, but an ongoing conversation!)

The average age that kids are exposed to pornography is between the ages of 8-10. It’s literally everywhere. Especially when younger and younger kids have unlimited access to cell phones, ipads, and other devices. Even if you’ve been super careful to limit your child’s internet access, chances are they have a friend at school, on the bus, in the neighborhood and yes, even at church, who might expose them to pornography. 

Pornography is a world-wide pandemic that has been normalized by our society. I don’t think many Christians truly realize the danger of pornography. 

This is a quote that I found from an article on NPR that I think describes this pandemic very well: 

“Imagine a drug so powerful it can destroy a family simply by distorting a man’s perception of his wife. Picture an addiction so lethal it has the potential to render an entire generation incapable of forming lasting marriages and so widespread that it produces more annual revenue … than all of the leading technology companies combined.”

So, what can we do about this drug that is destroying the very foundation of our society? How can we protect our children and teach them to value God’s design for marriage? We have a special guest on the show to help us answer these questions. 

Kristen Jenson is the founder of Defend Young Minds and the #1 bestselling author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures, a read-aloud book to teach young children how to reject pornography. Her trusted resources and content, including the Brain Defense Digital Safety curriculum, have helped millions all over the world to defend children from all forms of sexual exploitation.

Episode Summary

Warning: The content discussed in today’s episode may not be suitable for young listeners. Please consider using headphones if you are with children.

Why Pornography is Dangerous for Children:

  • Interferes with normal childhood development.
  • Warps attitudes and behaviors towards sex.
  • Increases the risk of sexual violence and exploitation.

Preventative Measures:

  • Building internal filters for children.
  • Teaching them to recognize, reject, and report pornography.
  • The importance of ongoing, open conversations between parents and children.

Kristen Jensen’s Resources:

Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds for younger children (ages 3-6): Introduces the concept of “bad pictures” in a gentle, accessible way.

Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids for older children (ages 7-12: Provides more detailed explanations and practical strategies, including the CAN DO plan.

Brain Defense Digital Safety Curriculum: An engaging, comprehensive resource teaching digital wellness and pornography avoidance, designed for children aged 7-11, featuring lessons by teens.

Practical Tips for Parents

Responding to Disclosures: Thank and praise children for sharing, remain calm, and seek additional resources if needed.

Parental Struggles: Encouragement for parents who have dealt with or are dealing with pornography addiction to seek help and be open with their children about the importance of digital safety.

Links & Resources:


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