by Glenys Nellist
“Jesus came to teach people how to love. He came to heal us from everything that hurts us, and to fill our lives with joy, hope, forgiveness, and peace. And the more you get to know Jesus, the more you’ll discover that this can be your life too.” — Publisher’s Synopsis from Amazon
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TITLE: Easter Love Letters from God: Bible Stories
AUTHOR: Glenys Nellist
ILLUSTRATOR: Sophie Allsopp
PUBLISHER: Zonderkids.com
PUBLISHING DATE: January 30, 2018
THEME: Easter devotional readings for children; God’s love for us.
ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustrations are full color, full page. They have a “scrapbook-like” feel to them, with different textures, layers and cutouts. The pictures are whimsical and look similar to pencil drawings that have been colored with colored-pencils. But there is also the addition of other realistic looking “sticker” type objects that provide interesting textures and layers.
Easter Love Letters from God includes seven short devotional stories that take the reader through the events of the Holy Week. Beginning with the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, the washing of the disciples’ feet, the last supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, the crucifixion, and burial, and finally ending with the glorious resurrection of Jesus.
Since there are seven stories, this would be a great resource for families to use during the week leading up to Easter. If you begin your first reading on Palm Sunday, the readings will line up so you read about the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, and the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.
The love of God is a central theme throughout this book. The author emphasizes that Jesus came to show us love, forgiveness, and peace; Jesus came to confront his enemies with love; Jesus demonstrates his love by serving; Nothing can separate us from God’s love; and Love always wins. This book does a good job of explaining biblical truths in a way that children can easily understand.
The last “Love Letter from God” includes a simple prayer for children to pray, inviting Jesus to be the King of their own life. I would encourage parents to remind their children that there are no “magic words” that save you, but a prayer is simply a way to express our thoughts to God. It is Jesus who saves us, when we trust in Him.SPECIAL FEATURES:
- Each story includes a scripture reference where you can find the original story in the Bible.
- Each story includes one key verse called “God’s Wonderful Words to You.”
- Each story includes a “lift the flap” letter entitled Your Love Letter from God! My kids love to read “lift-the-flap” books and they always argue about whose turn it is to lift the flap. I’m sure your children will enjoy this special feature of the book. The “Love Letter from God” is written in the form of a real letter, as if God were speaking directly to your child. I love that this section draws out an application from the Bible story and helps children to understand more about Christ’s love for them.
“Dear ______,
“When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, he didn’t come to fight the Romans. My son came to fight hatred, sadness, and unkindness. And the only way to fight those enemies is with love….”
RESERVATIONS: My only reservation with this book is that there isn’t any mention of sin or a need for Jesus to save us. While the author does mention “forgiveness” and love and hope, there is no mention of the reason that Jesus had to die, or the reason that we need to be forgiven. Parents may want to discuss the fact that Jesus came to die in our place and take the punishment for our sins. (Isaiah 53, Romans 6:23)
RECOMMENDATION: I recommend this book! It is very well written with engaging illustrations. I think it would be a great addition to your Spring / Easter children’s book collection. I look forward to reading it with my children this year.
AGE RANGE: 4-7 year olds. The language of these stories is simple, with short sentences that make it easy for children to understand.
OTHER WORKS BY GLENYS NELLIST: Love Letters from God (Bible Stories), Christmas Love Letters from God
, Love Letters from God (Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart).
AUTHOR WEBSITE: https://www.glenysnellist.com/
PUBLISHER’S SYNOPSIS: “Jesus came to teach people how to love. He came to heal us from everything that hurts us, and to fill our lives with joy, hope, forgiveness, and peace. And the more you get to know Jesus, the more you’ll discover that this can be your life too.
Easter Love Letters from God, written by Glenys Nellist and illustrated by Sophie Allsopp, guides children and families through Holy Week with seven beautifully illustrated Bible stories. Following each story the child will find his or her own letter from God. Children will love the excitement of opening the letters and parents will love how the letters elaborate on the Bible stories being told. Each message gives the child a sense of wonder as they discover what happened leading up to Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. A very special Bible verse, entitled God’s Wonderful Words to You will accompany each story and letter. Much more than a memory verse, each carefully chosen promise will be God’s very own personal words of love, encouragement, and hope.”