Raising Boys With Neurological Differences
Laurie Christine
Laurie Christine
February 27, 2025
raising kids with neurological differences

My Son Has Neurological Differences

Sometimes God’s plans for our kids don’t turn out the way we thought they would. This is especially true for parents of kids with neurological differences. But God wasn’t surprised when my son was diagnosed with autism and adhd. He wasn’t surprised that your son is struggling with Dyslexia or Dyspraxia. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “great minds think alike.” However, if you have a child with neurological differences, you know that “Not all great minds think alike.”  

God has gifted neurodivergent children with unique abilities and ways of seeing the world. But raising these special children is not without challenges. 

So, for those of you not aware of the term, neurodivergent is a word used to describe someone whose brain processes the world differently than most people. 

Parents of neurodivergent children face unique challenges. It’s not always obvious to others, at least outwardly, that your son has a disability. People may just view your child as “strange” or “different”, and wonder why he is not acting the same as his peers. 

A few months ago I posted Episode 96 of Redeeming the Chaos called “How to trust God when your child has autism.” I interviewed Jessica Hurlbut from the Full Spectrum Parent podcast.

In that episode, I shared how my oldest son was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder when he was 10 years old. 

Today’s episode is kindof like “part two” to episode 96. We’re going to talk about some of the challenges of raising boys whose brains may be wired a little (or a lot) differently than a typical child. And how God can redeem the chaos of parenting a son with invisible neurological differences.


We have a guest on the show today who is going to share with us how her faith in God was strengthened after finding out her son has autism. 

Kari A. Baker is a Christian author, speaker, and podcaster. She is an avid blogger on the topics of faith, special needs parenting, and finding your purpose. She is the founder of KIND Families, a community of people who love Kids with Invisible Neurological Differences. The KIND Community is for parents, caregivers, friends and advocates of kids whose brains work differently than their peers, but have no outwardly visible disability. She is also the host of The KIND Families Podcast.


Episode 96 — “How to Trust God When Your Child Has Autism” (link to purchase Kari’s book)

Laurie’s interview on the KIND Families Podcast


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